Indy League

Next League

Maximum of 24 places


Final Standings | Spring 2024 


Catch Count


Videos from the Spring 2024 Indy League Season

Final Standings | Winter 2024 


Catch Count


Videos from the Winter 2024 Indy League Season

Final Standings | Autumn 2024


Catch Count

Frequently Asked Questions

How does this league work?

This is an Individual (or Indy) League. Players will sign up individually and not in teams. Every night teams will be drawn at random (sort of,  see below for how teams will be made) and games will be played. Every player will accrue wins throughout all of the weeks of the league. All losses will be disregarded.

How will teams be drawn randomly but fairly?

At the beginning, the organisers will use a random team generator, like this one, to make the teams. All players who are signed up for the league as well as everyone who contacts the organisers BEFORE the cutoff time (see below) will be put into teams in this manner. You will not be assigned a team if you just show up without warning! Please email or contact us via Facebook or Instagram.

After two weeks of the league, the teams will be randomly made using the current standings. The top four players will be put into different teams, then the next four and so on. Judgement will be used to make sure that one team isn't particularly stacked and that people will play with as many different people as possible.

PLAYERS MUST SHOW UP BY 7:35PM OR CONTACT THE ORGANISER PRIOR TO 6:00PM TO BE CONSIDERED FOR PLAY. If you come in late without warning it will make it very difficult for teams and fair playing time to be organised. You will be penalised in the standings by losing 3 wins if changes need to be made for you, including no shows.

Team composition is always a tricky task and we don't always get it right. If you feel like there are any issues around this (i.e. you're playing with the same people too often) please contact us to express your concerns.

How many teams will we have?

That depends on the games we’re playing. There will be a strict limit of 24 people in this league. First in first served. That means we will aim to have 3 teams of up to 8 players every night. However, there are several factors that might alter this. We may have people missing days (see below for how this will be reflected in the standings) and we may play other games. Note that if we do have more than 6 players per team, each team will be expected to sub (see note below).

If we have 12 or less people, players will be split into four groups: A, B C & D and teams will be made from combinations of those groups.

There are two possibilities for how many games will be played:

How do subs work?

In the event that we have more than 6 players per team, teams will be responsible for initiating the following substitution system. Each player takes a number (1-7 or 8). For the first point, player 1 takes it off (or 1 and 2 if 8 players are present), the second point player 2 takes it off (or 3 and 4 if 8 players) and so in that order. The order does not reset between games (eg if 5 were last in the first game, 6 starts the second game).

We will make available cards or some other method of fairly picking this beforehand if it becomes an issue (eg, the same person always picking 7 or 8).

Which games will we be playing?

The main game we will be playing is just straight up dodgeball.  If we have more than 12 players we will have three teams. Each team will play two 20 minute games, playing each team once. If we have 12 or less players will be put into four groups and each group will play with all three groups in three separate 20 minute games (eg Game 1 is Team AB v Team CD, Game 2 is Team AC v Team BD and Game 3 is Team AD v Team BC

To make things fun and add variety, however, we MAY play other games well. These games could include (but are not limited to):

The aim for this league is to be an intermediary between Social Dodgeball (where those games will be more prevalent) and Competitive Dodgeball, without all the hassle of having to sort out teams.

Are there any special rules for this league?

How will the league be scored?

Players will score points for each win their team earns each night, regardless of whether that player was a sub or not in any particular set. Losses will not count, though they will be recorded and your individual win-loss record will be made available... somewhere.

If a team starts a game down a person we will award one point to that team for being down. 

If we do play other games, wins will be added as per the old way of scoring below.

If you are scheduled to play but don't turn up and don't contact the organisers prior to 7:30pm, you will lose 3 wins. In the event of an emergency or other issue, the league organiser will likely be pretty lenient. We're all human after all. 

Catches will also be recorded each night. We will have a whiteboard in the gym and if you get a catch you need to record the catch on the board (proper etiquette will be Name and then tick marks for each catch). Make sure to remember to record these. The player or players tied for the most catches over the course of the whole evening, will earn 2 additional wins in the league.

The below is the old way of scoring and is here if needed

Each player will be credited with any wins or losses they are a part of in normal play. For example if in Week 1 my team plays 20 games, winning 9 and losing 11, all of our records would be 9 and 11. If in Week 2 my team plays 23 games, winning 14 and losing 9, my new record would be 14+9=23 wins and 11+9 losses for 23-11.

The addition of other games adds new ways of scoring. One v Ones and Two V Twos will be scored as best of 5 (so the first player to 3 wins). The winner(s) will get 2 wins and the loser will get no loss.

For the Chair Game the whole team will get the same record. This will also be the case for Japanese Dodgeball.

For Last Person Standing the winner will receive 4 wins and the second place person will get 2 wins. In the event of two (or more) people getting out at the same time, leading to a win, all of those people will get 1 win each.

For the Accuracy Challenge you will get wins based on which targets you hit. A hit from 3m is one win, a hit at 6m is two 2 wins and a hit at 9m is 3 wins. You may throw at any combination of targets for your three throws.

How will a winner be determined?

The winner will be determined by whichever player has the most number of wins total. If there is a tie the first tiebreaker is the player with the fewest losses. The next tie breaker will be total number of catches, and then points earned from catches one. If it is still tied a one v one will be played. The first player to win 5 will win the championship.

The player with the most number of catches will also be the winner of the catching competition - a bonus catch will be awarded for whomever comes up with the best name for this, email with ideas.

Each week, standings will be updated and the top 6 shared on the Dodgeball for All Facebook and Instagram accounts. Full standings will be posted on the website.

With the new scoring rules there is no longer any need to set minimum attendance.

Are there any prizes for this league?

Yes! If we have at least 10 players sign up and pay before the end of the league, there will be a cash prize for the winner ($150) and the second place player ($50). To be eligible for the prize, the two players who win the prizes must have paid in full beforehand. If a player does not pay the fee, their prize is forfeit and does not pass on to the next person.

Currently there is no prize for the catch count, but I will look into getting a sponsor for this.