Central Auckland Dodgeball League
Next League
When: Wednesdays, 4th September - 2nd October; 7:00-8:30pm (games at 7:15, 7:40 & 8:05pm)
Spring League Starts Early October
Cost: $200 per team for 5 week season (Limited spaces available)
Prize: $300 or 400 Cash prize for the winning team*
*Cash prize only applicable if enough teams register and pay and determined by the number of teams registered.
Winter 2024
Find all the videos we took in the Winter 2024 League in the playlist here.
Mini League Frequently Asked Questions
Who should play in this league?
Anybody can play in this league! This would be a perfect social outing for corporate teams, university teams, high school teams or groups of friends who want to try something new. Dodgeball is very easy to pick up (here's a really quick rundown of the rules). Come along to one of our drop-in sessions to try it out if you'd like.
How does this league work?
You sign up as a team. Each game will be played 3v3, but you can have as many players as you like. The minimum to play on any given day is 2 players, however.
We will have 6 or 8 teams. If we have 6 teams, each team will play all 5 other teams over the first three weeks. Each game will be 20 minutes and you will get two games a week. There will be a sixth, randomly drawn game on the last day which won't count towards the standings.
After that we will have quarterfinals (for 2nd-6th place teams), semi-finals and 1st, 3rd and 5th place game. Teams losing in the quarterfinals and semifinals will still play off to determine final positions - so everyone will have at minimum one game per week. All playoff games will be 30 minutes.
If we have 8 teams, teams will be randomly drawn into two groups. Each team will have one 30 minute game each week and you will play the three teams in your group. In the fourth week, we will split into two brackets. The top two teams from each group will play semi finals cross grouped, while the same will happen with the bottom two teams in each group. On the last day we will have 7th, 5th, 3rd and 1st place games.
This would be a great team bonding experience for corporate teams!
How will this league be scored?
Subject to change, teams will receive 3 points for a win, 1 for a draw and 0 for a loss.
Standings will be determined (in order) by:
Head to head record (if multiple teams are tied, their head to head record will include all tied teams)
Differential (Sets won minus sets lost)
Total Sets won
Coin toss
Playoffs will happen after round robin games to determine a champion. Seeding will be based on the above standings. All teams will participate in the playoffs and have a game scheduled even if they are eliminated from the championship.
Which rules will we be using?
We will follow, regular WDBF Foam Dodgeball Rules. The main exceptions:
Games will be 20 minutes long with sudden death at the end of the game - if necessary to the outcome of the game. Otherwise, the set will not finish and the point will not be awarded.
Teams will swap sides after each point.
New sets will only be started at the end of the game if there are at least 30 seconds of time left on the clock at the conclusion of the previous set.
If a team defaults we will still play a game with subs, but the scores will not count in the standings. This game will not have a ref.
At the beginning of each game, captains will play Rock, Paper, Scissors. The winner will choose either 1) which side they want to start on or 2) Who will have advantage first. The other captain will get the second decision,
All players are asked to come for the whole time as the league cannot run without the support of the non-playing teams. It is expected that each team provide a ref if they are not playing, and the other players are either: ball retrieving, filming for social media or watching lines.
If a ball is out of bounds and no ball retrievers are available, players may put their hand up to step out of the court to grab the ball. However, THEY ARE STILL ABLE TO BE HIT OUT BY OTHER PLAYERS.
What if we're short players?
We can possibly help a team find subs. To do so you will need to contact us at dodgeballforall@gmail.com Alternatively, you can post on our Facebook Page to see if any subs are available.
Your team will need to have two members show up that aren't registered for another team in order for your results to count in the standings. We will endeavour to play a game with random subs on the night if we cannot pre-arrange subs.
If you have two players and would like a third, we can conduct a random drawing of all the players available on the night that aren't playing. You can take that player, but you'll start the game down 0-1.
Can I drop-in to this league?
If you want to play on a given night and you are not registered with a team, you will need to pre-arrange your spot. Teams will likely need subs, but don't expect to show up on a given night and be able to play - certainly this is a possibility, but the league organisers will not be able to assist with this on the night.
Central League Frequently Asked Questions
Who should play in this league?
Anybody can play in this league! This would be a perfect social outing for corporate teams, university teams, high school teams or groups of friends who want to try something new. Dodgeball is very easy to pick up (here's a really quick rundown of the rules). Come along to one of our drop-in sessions to try it out if you'd like.
How does this league work?
You sign up as a team. Each game will be played 6v6, but you can have as many players as you like. The minimum to play on any given day is 4 players, however.
We will have 8 teams, and each team will play all 7 other teams over the first seven weeks. After that we will have quarterfinals, semi-finals and a 1st place game. Teams losing in the quarterfinals and semifinals will still play off to determine final positions - so everyone will have one game per week.
This would be a great team bonding experience for corporate teams!
How will this league be scored?
Subject to change, teams will receive 3 points for a win, 1 for a draw and 0 for a loss.
Standings will be determined (in order) by:
Head to head record (if multiple teams are tied, their head to head record will include all tied teams)
Differential (Sets won minus sets lost)
Total Sets won
Coin toss
Playoffs will happen after round robin games to determine a champion. Seeding will be based on the above standings. All teams will participate in the playoffs and have a game scheduled even if they are eliminated from the championship.
Which rules will we be using?
We will follow, regular WDBF Foam Dodgeball Rules. The main exceptions:
Games will be 30 minutes long with sudden death at the end of the game.
Teams will swap sides after each point.
New sets will only be started at the end of the game if there are at least 30 seconds of time left on the clock at the conclusion of the previous set.
If a team defaults we will still play a game with subs, but the scores will not count in the standings. This game will not have a ref.
At the beginning of each game, captains will play Rock, Paper, Scissors. The winner will choose either 1) which side they want to start on or 2) Who will have advantage first. The other captain will get the second decision,
All players are asked to come for the whole time as the league cannot run without the support of the non-playing teams. It is expected that each team provide a ref if they are not playing, and the other players are either: ball retrieving, filming for social media or watching lines.
If a ball is out of bounds and no ball retrievers are available, players may put their hand up to step out of the court to grab the ball. However, THEY ARE STILL ABLE TO BE HIT OUT BY OTHER PLAYERS.
What if we're short players?
We can possibly help a team find subs. To do so you will need to contact us at dodgeballforall@gmail.com Alternatively, you can post on our Facebook Page to see if any subs are available.
Your team will need to have four members show up that aren't registered for another team in order for your results to count in the standings. We will endeavour to play a game with random subs on the night if we cannot pre-arrange subs.
Can I drop-in to this league?
If you want to play on a given night and you are not registered with a team, you will need to pre-arrange your spot. Teams will likely need subs, but don't expect to show up on a given night and be able to play - certainly this is a possibility, but the league organisers will not be able to assist with this on the night.