Dodgeball Rules
Condensed WDBF Rules
Dodgeball rules (simple version)
2 teams of 6 players face off against each other with 6 balls in play at any time.
Volley ball sized court, players cannot cross the centre line.
The object of the game is to tag the other team out by hitting them with the ball.
Players are eliminated from the game when they are hit with a ball, or a ball they throw is caught by another player, before it goes dead.
A ball is considered dead when it hits the wall, ground or the net.
The balls are foam, so they don’t hurt when you’re hit.
Once all players of a team are eliminated, the remaining team earns a point and the court is reset for the next set.
You can hold more than 1 ball, but pass them to your team mates to work together!
You are OUT/SAFE when:
You are SAFE if the ball bounces off the ground, wall or ceiling before hitting you.
You are SAFE if you block with a ball you are holding.
If you catch a throw before it touches the ground, wall or ceiling,
You are SAFE
The thrower is OUT
You bring a team mate back to life (the first person to get out)
This also applies when anyone catches a deflection off a team mate
If the ball hits you,
you are OUT when the ball touches the ground, wall or ceiling.
You are OUT if you step on any lines (back line, center line)
You are OUT if you drop your blocking ball (disarmed!)
You are OUT if you block but the ball touches your hands/fingers.
You are OUT if your team mate blocks a ball into you.
You are OUT if a ball hits your team mate and then hits you.
Head shots are allowed but discouraged.
Starting the game
You start the game by running for the 3 balls on the RIGHT hand side.
The balls must pass the activation line (marked with cones) before you can throw at the other team.
Watch this explanation of the Opening Rush (start from 0:43)
For a more complete explanation of the rules, please refer to the official WDBF rules for foam & cloth format Dodgeball.